EvoHeat Evo150-1, Evo270-1 and Evo315-C
are the best heat pumps for Canberra’s climate
Why the EvoHeat Evo150-1, Evo270-1, Evo315-C heat pumps make the top 5 hot water system review for Canberra, compared to solar, gas, electric & gas instant water heaters.
Based on more than 30 years’ experience in the Canberra region and your frequently asked questions, we can be confident that the EvoHeat Evo150-1, Evo270-1 and Evo315-C heat pump range of hot water heaters will meet all of the requirements to be rated one of the best 5 hot water systems you should install in the Canberra region.
The EvoHeat Evo150-1, Evo270-1 and Evo315-C heat pump ranges of hot water systems are suited to cooler climates in both suburban and rural settings, in areas prone to frost and with low mineral content in the water supply. With the compressor mounted above the tank, these compact heat pump units are a great option when space on the ground is limited. With optional Bluetooth and various boost options, these compact heat pump hot water systems are ideal when the number of people in your home varies from day to day.
We rated the installation of this hot water system based on its value for money, longevity, serviceability, spare parts, after sales service, efficiency and long-term environmental impacts. The ACT Government’s zero emissions policy also contributed to our decision. While it ranked among the lower of the top 5 hot water systems, it is still our top choice for heat pump installations in Canberra.
Price vs longevity 2.5 out of 5
Including generous rebates, the price of these heat pumps is around the middle of the scale, at around half the price of a solar hot water system and up to twice the price of a gas hot water system. We have installed many of these systems in Canberra and so far, we have not had any call-backs. Our assumption on their longevity is based on their simplicity and their obvious robustness and our experience with heat pump hot water systems over the last twenty-five years.
There is caveat though – regardless of what any manufacturer claims or the warranties they provide, none can be certain of the longevity of their heat pump hot water system. This is because none have been on the market or in service long enough to have real evidence of their longevity. We also find that warranties on some systems are strategically designed to coincide with their expected life.
Efficiency 4 out of 5
Typically, these systems on average are around 300-400% efficient if installed on an external warm wall of a building that allows for a rapid exchange of air. Because they draw their heat from the surrounding air, efficiencies will be compromised when installed on the southern or eastern side of a building or in any space that limits the exchange of air. If consumption of hot water is excessive, their efficiency will drop dramatically as they will revert to the automatic boost function. Efficiencies can easily drop to 1 star with any brand of heat pump hot water heater.
Reliability 2.5 out of 5
The EvoHeat is a hybrid heat pump hot water system. Therefore, it has a backup element should your hot water usage suddenly increase or there is a very cold weather event. Our experience tells us the reliability of any heat pump hot water heater is unknown regardless of the manufacturer’s warranties or other claims.
The EvoHeat heat pumps are less complex than the Reclaim heat pump and Sandon heat pumps and have fewer moving parts.
We believe they are significantly better than a well-known and popular European brand that we gave a reliability score of 1 star. Given the EvoHeats are heat pumps, we will have to give them a neutral score of 2.5 stars out of 5. Being such a new and untested product, this is the highest score we could give any heat pump system installed in Canberra.
Serviceability, spare parts and after sales service 1.5 out of 5
A service is required once every 5 years. To date we have not experienced any breakdowns with the EvoHeat systems that have been installed across Canberra. However, we are comparing heat pump heaters to other types of hot water heaters and our experience tells us that heat pumps are not as reliable as almost every other type of hot water heater. Serviceability will be an issue for any heat pump going forward.
This is because of licencing restrictions on service work. Heat pumps have electrical systems, plumbing systems and refrigerant systems. When any one of these systems fail, the symptoms can be exactly the same: NO HOT WATER. There is no single licence that allows technicians to work on all three possible causes. 1.5 stars out of 5 is the best score we could give any heat pump hot water system.
Benefits to the environment 3 out of 5 read more
The Evo150-1, Evo270-1 and Evo315-C heat pumps, when installed and connected to PV solar and in a location that optimises efficiency, can be very beneficial to the environment. Because they can be programmed to optimise the use of the sun’s rays, they can run entirely off renewable energy most of the time. However, given their expected shorter life when compared to other types of hot water systems we find it hard to give them a score higher than 3.5. This score may change in the future.
Value for money 3 out of 5
We expect that the range of EvoHeat heat pumps represent good value for money when compared to other heat pump brands and fair value for money when compared to other types of hot water systems. While it may be half the price of our number 1 best hot water system for installation in Canberra it is likely to have a quarter to a third of the life.
Running costs excluding repairs and maintenance 4-5 out of 5 (average 4.5 stars) read more
Second highest score and highest score when connected to solar PV, in front of electric storage, gas storage and gas continuous flow systems.
Compatibility with the ACT Government’s zero emissions policy 2.5 out of 5
When installed correctly and to optimise efficiency, the EvoHeat range are somewhat compatible with the ACT Government’s climate change policies. However, given their anticipated shorter life than virtually every other type of hot water system, their propensity to switch to electric boosting during periods of high demand (mornings and evenings – especially in winter when the electricity grid is also experiencing higher demand for heating and cooking) we cannot give any heat pump hot water system a score greater than 2.5 out of 5 stars for this category.
Total Score 23.5 out of 40
The Downsides
Like all heat pump hot water systems, EvoHeat’s moderate price does not compensate for their expected shorter life. Finding an experienced and licenced repair person will be hard until the government changes policy on licencing for heat pump hot water repairs. All heat pumps get slower to heat the colder it gets. Unfortunately, the colder it gets, the more hot water we tend to use. Finding a location that optimises heat pump efficiency is not always easy.
FAQ Answered
Do heat pump hot water systems work in Canberra?
Yes, heat pump hot water systems do work in Canberra when they are installed on a north, northwest or west-facing wall on the outside of a building that is well ventilated. Heat pumps with backup heating elements are more suited for installation in Canberra. The EvoHeat Evo150-1, Evo270-1 and Evo315-C all have backup elements.
What is a hot water heat pump?
When most gases are compressed, they give off heat. A heat pump uses a compressor to compress a refrigerant gas. A hot water heat pump extracts heat from a compressed gas. The heat is passed from the compressed gas into the water to be heated via a heat exchanger that is either inside the hot water storage tank or wrapped around the outside of the hot water storage tank.
When the compressed gas gives up its heat to the water in the hot water storage tank, the gas travels to an external coil unit where it is vapourised causing the vaporised gas to absorb heat from the surrounding air. This process is repeated until the temperature of the water in the hot water storage tank reaches approximately 60°C.
How much does it cost to install a heat pump hot water heater?
The installation cost of a hot water heat pump is approximately half the cost to install a solar hot water system and almost double the price to install a standard electric hot water system. The cost of the heat pump installation should include a new isolating valve, pressure-limiting valve, hot water tempering valve, insulated pipework and a level slab. This represents the true cost of a hot water heat pump installation.
Is a heat pump hot water system worth the money?
The lifespan of a heat pump ranges from four years to maybe ten years in Canberra. Some brands are absolutely not worth the money and other brands like the EvoHeat represent fair value for money. At this early stage we cannot say whether any heat pump is great value for money.
Quantum Energy once made a very good heat pump, that represented exceptional value for money. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case.
How good are hot water heat pumps?
While they are working properly and are installed in a location that optimises efficiency, they could be called good. In comparison to most other types of hot water systems, they have a higher chance of breakdown, possibly a much shorter life, and qualified experienced repair people will be hard to find.
If we have been able to help make your choice easier, we can provide you with a competitive quote for an EvoHeat heat pump hot water system or other types of hot water heaters.
Contact us now 0448844911
Thank you for reading our Why the EvoHeat Evo150-1, Evo270-1 and Evo315-C heat pumps make the top 5 hot water system review for Canberra, compared to solar, gas, electric & gas instant water heaters page