Gas instantaneous instant Hot water systems
that are energy efficient to save you money

Aquamax Continuous flow

Rheem Continuous Flow

Rinnai Continuous Flow – Internal
Instantaneous gas or otherwise now known as continuous flow gas hot water systems have been in Australia for more than half a century. Like Instant electric hot water systems, gas systems were installed next to the point of use in bathrooms kitchens and laundries.
Usually the hot water spout would connect to directly to the system. Because they were installed so close to the point of use they could be called instantaneous hot water systems. In the late 80’s Rinnai introduced what they called the Rinnai Infinity gas instantaneous hot water system.
Many other brands now have variations of the Rinnai also.
Water wasters ?
In the 90’s, governments insisted the description instantaneous had to be changed to continuous flow. This change was based on laws concerning misleading advertising. The truth was and still is that it takes longer to get hot water to the outlet of a continuous flow hot water system than it does to get hot water to the outlet of a conventional storage hot water system.
In most cases 2-3 litres of water is drawn off from the outlet of the continuous flow system before hot water at the required temperature reaches the outlet. It is estimated that the yearly draw off is 15,000 – 20,000 litres per year per average household. Whereas the water that drips from the relief valve on storage system is around 1,200 litres per year.
Energy efficiency?
Some models of gas storage hot water systems are more efficient than some gas continuous flow systems. Continuous flow systems can require 5 times the amount of gas when they are operating than a gas storage hot water system. Most also require an electrical supply to run the electronics inside. Gas storage hot water systems require a standing pilot and they store the hot water inside.
Despite popular belief the heat from the pilot does not go to waste. It is absorbed into the water. The water in the storage tank does not go cold quickly either. Gas storage hot water heaters work like a hot water thermos. The hot water is under pressure and the storage tank is well insulated.
The hot water produced in one heating cycle can last days at temperatures too hot to shower in. However, the hot water sitting in the tubes of a gas continuous flow system will go cold quickly as they have very little insulation surrounding the heated water tubes.
Running costs
Before purchasing any gas hot water system it is worthwhile checking the energy label. This label will have information about the star rating. It will also have information about the average yearly gas consumption. You will be surprised at how little some gas storage systems use when compared to some gas continuous flow models.
Once you have checked the energy usage it is worthwhile checking to see how much you are paying per 1000 litres of water. In Canberra it is likely to be cheaper to own and operate a gas storage system than a gas continuous flow system.
- They require far less space than a gas storage hot water system .
- When you get hot water it is an endless supply.
- Good for the environment when compared to electric hot water systems
- Cheaper than solar with a similar carbon footprint
- You will never run out of hot water
- Long life.
- High water usage
- Water temperature is not always constant
- At full flow most will only lift the water temperature 35 degrees C
- requires a minimum amount of flow before it turns on and won’t stay on if the flow is reduced below that level.
- requires a large gas pipe
- high gas consumption reduces the number of other gas appliances that can be connected to the gas meter.
- Most require an electrical power supply also.
- water temperature is easily effected by low flow shower heads and aerators.
6 Star Hot Water and Plumbing Canberra can supply all sizes and brands of instantaneous / instant / continuous flow gas hot water systems.
So Get a Quote or – just call 0448 844 911 for same day hot water replacements, service and hot water repairs.